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About Anna

Anna Daugherty is an award-winning author and editor based in Texas. She holds a Bachelor of Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin (B.J., 2015). After several years of freelance journalism, writing for local and international publications, Anna rediscovered a love for fiction and now writes Christian women's novels with grit and grace. Her Grace Church series has been an Amazon bestseller and has won the PenCraft Award and the Next Generation Indie Book Award.

Anna lives in the hill country with her husband and three young daughters. When she isn’t writing or chasing a toddler, she can usually be found enjoying the outdoors, going for a run, or reading a book. Sometimes all three at once.

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Other Dabblings

Novelist, Journalist, Mom-ist. Here are a few of the other things projects Anna has completed.


Rundle Press

Nature-based, play-based guides to help parents find purpose and beauty in every day moments.

Rundle Press offers play-based, nature-loving guides to help parents find purpose and beauty in every day moments with young children. The guides incorporate sensory play, fine motor, gross motor, and life skills to help them learn about the world around them. Each unit offers sign language, math and science activities, arts and crafts, an alphabet letter to focus on, and more, for children ages 1-4. The units follow many Charlotte Mason principles. They are currently available on Etsy, along with quiet time activity books.

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