My husband and I enjoyed a quick getaway in San Francisco this past weekend. While there, we saw some of the tallest trees in the world at Muir Woods National Monument. Can you imagine those trees shouting for the joy of the Lord? Maybe it's my hyperactive author imagination, but what an amazing thought! I think we lose a bit of wonder as we get older (and all we can think about are the rude tourists, or expensive entry fees). This month, I hope we can all rediscover a bit of wonder—for the glory of the Lord!
June Devotional
My late aunt was the kind of person who could take some kitchen scraps or a clipping from a neighbor, toss it in her garden, and grow something magnificent. I always wanted to be like that, but my green thumb leans a bit more black. However, when I found an old sack of potatoes in the pantry that had all sprouted, I decided to give it a go. I cut off a few sprouts and stuck them in the ground. A couple months later, what do you know? We had a potato harvest.

As my kids and I marveled over our success, I asked them who else can take old, dead things and bring new life from it. My oldest shouted: "God!"
Isn't it amazing? He has built Biblical truths into the very nature of the world around us, and we can find those teaching moments everywhere—for children or ourselves—when we keep a sense of wonder alive, and when we keep our minds rooted in Christ.
Deuteronomy 6:4-7 talks about teaching our children the word of God "when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up." It should be every word on our lips, and in every action we take. This is true for anyone at any stage, though for me, I see it most in my children. (Maybe it’s the homeschool mom in me that just can’t turn down a good teaching moment.)
His truths are evident in nature and in people all around us. When my daughter asks why God made mosquitos or venomous spiders, we talk about how all creatures are made to live in peace, but our world is broken. One day, the lion and the lamb will rest together.
When we see a beautiful tree, field of flowers, or waving ocean, we take a moment to talk about who made it and how it might represent some characteristic of God. ("He clothes the grass of the field." Matthew 6:25-34)

When my kids start snapping at each other, we talk about how God wants us to view others and treat others, and how "death and life are in the power of the tongue." (Proverbs 18:21). When we're tempted to grumble, we talk about rejoicing in our day, or our work.
And when I snap at someone, I get a chance to ask forgiveness, and talk about repenting. I get to talk about how I'm not perfect, but I always love them, and they do have a perfect father. And they have often seen their mother in the middle of a breakdown start praying and asking God for a little patience and wisdom.
Jesus is in the every day with us, praise the Lord. And we can find his goodness and truth on display if only we keep our eyes open to it and our lives fixed on his word. This month, can you identify some bit of truth in an otherwise ordinary moment? I would love to hear about it if you do!
Latest Reads
A dual-timeline romance, Elizabeth’s Mountain tells of a grandmother's past love story (set in the 1950s) and a granddaughter's modern one. They were both richly told and mirrored each other beautifully. Towards the end, I especially loved Elizabeth's memories of later in life, showing the power of a lasting and fought-for love.
This book follows Mar(garet) through a year of rebuilding her life after divorce. As she struggles to find new community and friendships, and redefine her role in her family, she makes plenty of mistakes along the way. At times, I struggled to like Margaret, but it made it all the more rewarding to see her grow through the book. It ended a chapter too soon for me, but thankfully a sequel is coming.
After reading a couple of heavy books and ones outside of my usual genre for other authors, I needed a palate cleanser. Kate Watson to the rescue. She writes fun, clean romcoms. Though they aren't Christian in message, she is a Christian author and I appreciate her worldview that shines through. This was the lighthearted read I needed for my vacation last weekend!
Author Life

Reaching for Grace News:
Reaching for Grace is available for pre-order! You can find it at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or directly through my publisher at Black Rose Writing. It will be released August 29, so you will receive your book around that time (if you're ordering print, it often comes a few days early).
Some people have asked about my preferred website. While I do get slightly higher commission from my publisher, my main goal is to spread the word, and sales on Amazon are one of the best ways to do that.

Outside of Grace News:
Outside of Grace may be available as an audiobook soon! It is currently in the process of being matched to a reader. And oh how weird it is to hear your own book being read...
Also, Outside of Grace is being sold in a store for the first time. I personally haven't pursued this route much, but my stepmother chatted up a local gifts store and ended up landing me a spot on their shelves. The first book sold within 48 hours! How exciting!
Thanks for joining me this month! I hope your June is filled with summer wonder, watermelon, and good books. Till next time!
Enjoyed reading this. Thanks for the shout out for Elizabeth’s Mountain. 🥰